Lecture by:
Dr. Garth L. Nicolson
Microbiologist, Institute for
Molecular Medicine
Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6e2ljD3hkhg
perkara yang pihak berkuasa kesihatan awam sering menggunakan sebagai samaran
untuk memujuk ibubapa supaya memvaksinkan anak adalah dengan mengatakan bahawa
tiada satu pun vaksin yang pernah dibuktikan berkait dengan autism atau
penyakit spectrum autis. Ya, mungkin benar. Tiada SATU vaksin pun. Tapi itu
bukanlah apa yang kita katakana sekarang. Kita kini sedang bercakap tentang
vaksin berbilang, yg sering digunakan sebagai tiga serangkai, seperti MMR
contohnya. Yang digunakan di dalam skim vaksin yang tidak optima, pada pendapat
kita belum lagi dapat memutuskan apa-apa dalam isu kanak-kanak dengan spectrum
autism, tapi pada telahan saya, apabila kesimpulan itu dicapai, ia pasti
mempunyai kaitan dengan vaksin berbilang/berangkai yang mereka terima, samada
disebabkan oleh sistem imun yang dihalang atau disebabkan oleh pencemaran
vaksin. Salah satu kertas kajian, yang sering dirujuk oleh kajian para saintis
masa kini, ada menyatakan apabila vaksin komersial diperiksa di bawah
mikroskop, didapati salah satu pencemaran yang sering berlaku adalah pencemaran
saya beritahu apa kemampuan mycoplasma. Saya pernah menyatakan sebelum ini
bahawa mycoplasma merangsang pembebasan ‘reactive oxygen species’ (ROS) yang
boleh merosakkan membran. Kita tahu apa yang mereka buat sekarang. Mereka (ROS)
merosakkan membran dengan mengoksidakan lipid dan menjadikan lipid tidak mampu
untuk memuatkan antara satu sama lain. Lipid dan protein akan saling masuk
antara satu sama lain untuk membentuk membran. Dan salah satu penemuan yang
didapati adalah apabila lipid rosak, mereka tidak dapat lagi bersatu antara
satu sama lain dengan baik. Ini menyebabkan terbentuknya lubang di antara
membran yang seterusnya membuatkannya bocor. Ion-ion kini boleh menyelit masuk
dan keluar melalui lubang tersebut. Membran sebenarnya dicipta untuk
mengekalkan polarity dan mengawal potensi kimia-elektrik di antara membran.
Apabila membran bocor, potensi kimia-elektriknya akan musnah. Membran
kemudiannya kehilangan keupayaan untuk menghasilkan tenaga kerana ia terikat
dengan potensi membran. Sekiranya mitokondria kehilangan potensi membran,
mereka (mitokondria) tidak dapat menghasilkan molekul fosfat berkuasa tinggi
yang sangat diperlukan oleh sistem tenaga tubuh badan kita.
Di sini pastinya anda akan
berkata, “Tidak bolehkah kita lakukan sesuatu tentang ini?”
kebetulan, saya pernah berada di dalam satu penerbangan ke suatu tempat yang
saya sudah lupa, namun dalam penerbangan ini tempat duduk saya adalah di
sebelah seorang pembuat vaksin yang kelihatan begitu marah apabila beliau terpaksa
dikeluarkan daripada kelas pertama. Saya bertanya beliau sedang menuju ke mana,
dan beliau jawab yang ia dalam perjalanan ke FDA. Jadi kami mula bersembang.
Saya memberitahu beliau tentang penemuan kami dalam vaksin, dan beliau mula
berkelakuan aneh dan gementar. Saya terus bertanya kepadanya, “Kami tahu yang
kamu tahu tentang masalah ini, jadi saya ingin bertanya terus kepada kamu,
kenapa kamu tidak menguji vaksin ini terhadap mycoplasma, kerana saya
berpendapat ianya boleh menjadi masalah besar,”
Secara spontan,
beliau menjawab, “Kamu nak lingkupkan perniagaan kami kah?”
“Apa maksud kamu,
lingkupkan perniagaan kamu? Ini berkenaan dengan keselamatan,” tingkah saya.
Dan beliau
mula berdolak-dalik dan membuat pelbagai alasan. Sebenarnya pada pendapat saya,
mereka tidak mahu menguji perkara-perkara begini kerana ianya memerlukan kos
yang tinggi. Dan sejujurnya saya dapat rasakan yang mereka risau serta takut
akan apa yang mereka mungkin temui. Inilah adalah antara masalah dalam usaha
untuk meyakinkan pihak berkuasa, meyakinkan orang ramai, yang kita perlu
mengkaji perkara ini dengan lebih mendalam.
Apakah jenis
penyakit yang kita sedang perkatakan? Kita tahu yang jangkitan kronik memainkan
pernan penting dalam pelbagai penyakit. Dalam konferens saya yang lalu, saya
memperkatakan tentang penyakit ‘neurodegenerative’. Kamu semua pasti telah
banyak mendengar tentang penyakit-penyakit ini. Penyakit-penyakit ini dahulunya
adalah sangat jarang berlaku, penyakit seperti Lou Gehrig’s atau Amyothropic Lateral
Sclerosis. 30 tahun dahulu, ianya sangat jarang berlaku, namun sekarang ianya
adalah sangat biasa. Penyakit neurobehavioral juga sedang meningkat dengan
mendadak. Penyakit seperti spektrum autis, sindrom Asperger, Autism, penyakit
Attention Deficit (ADD) dan sebagainya, sangat biasa berlaku di kalangan
kanak-kanak dan ianya meningkat mendadak.
jangkitan kronik selalunya disalah diagnos, atau tidak dapat dikesan, dan
kerana inilah jangkitan tersebut biasanya tidak dirawat atau tidak dirawat dengan
betul. Doktor anda (general practitioner) sebenarnya tidak banyak pengetahuan
tentang jangkitan-jangkitan ini. Punca utama beliau tidak tahu adalah kerana ia
(jangkitan) tidak dibincangkan dalam kolej perubatan lagi. 25 tahun dulu, ya,
ia ada diajar, namun tidak lagi sekarang. Saya tahu perkara ini kerana saya
pernah mengajar di kolej perubatan, di Universiti California dan Universiti
Texas, selama 25 tahun. Jadi saya tahu tentang kurikulum perubatan masa kini.
Perkara-perkara ini adalah perkara yang tidak disebut atau dibincangkan.
Pesakit yang
menghidapi jangkitan (viral, bacterial, fungal) mendapat kebaikan daripada
rawatan jangkitan tersebut. Jika komuniti perubatan tidak mengakui yang
jangkitan terbabit adalah penting, anda tidak akan dirawat melalui servis
perubatan konvensional. Mereka tidak akan membantu anda, jadi anda perlu bantu
diri anda.
Ramai pesakit
penyakit kronik sembuh daripada penyakit selepas rawatan jangka masa panjang
bagi jangkitan kronik tersebut. Rawatan boleh jadi dalam bentuk antibiotik,
antikulat, antivirus, apa-apa saja, bergantung kepada kebarangkalian jangkitan,
namun rawatan tersebut adalah sangat perlu bagi merawat jangkitan. Kerana jika
anda tidak dirawat, anda tidak akan sembuh. Jadi mereka (pesakit) berada dalam
keadaan ini (sakit kronik) dengan berterusan dan inilah yang kita dapat lihat
dalam populasi kita kini. Kita dapat lihat begitu ramai orang yang menderita
sakit sepanjang hidup mereka. Syarikat farmaseutikal sukakan keadaan ini.
Kenapa mereka sukakannya? Kerana untuk 20, 30 tahun akan datang, mereka
mempunyai pelanggan yang sanggup membeli produk mereka yang sebenarnya hanya
menekan/menyembunyikan simptom tanpa benar-benar merawat punca utama sakit
sukakannya, kerana ia bermakna mereka mempunyai pelanggan seumur hidup. Mereka
mendapat keuntungan berbillion-billion dollar daripada penyakit-penyakit kronik
ini. Ini melibatkat pelbagai jenis dadah dan ubatan, namun begitu sedikit di
antara mereka yang benar-benar melakukan sesuatu untuk merawat penyakit
tersebut. Mereka hanya bertindak menyembunyikan tanda-tanda dan simptom. Jadi,
salah satu perkara yang kami buat adalah, untuk dipendekkan cerita, dengan
memberikan pesakit makanan yang tinggi kandungan lipid tidak diubah, tidak
dioksidakan, dan melindunginya agar tidak dioksidakan semasa penghadaman.
Inilah yang saya panggil terapi penggantian lipid. Saya telah menulis review
tentang proses ini secara menyeluruh. Ia boleh membantu pesakit kanser kerana
membran mereka sering rosak akibat terapi kanser. Untuk membantu pesakit
kronik, pesakit spekrum autis, pesakit degenerative, pesakit auto immune,
mereka dapat kebaikan daripada terapi penggantian lipid ini. Apa yang mereka
perlu buat? Mereka hanya perlu mengambil lipid dalam bentuk kapsul dan
antioksidan setiap hari. Sangat mudah. Pada asasnya, ianya adalah makanan.
Kenapa? Kerana kami memperoleh lipid daripada sumber asli. Kami hanya
melindunginya agar tidak dioksidakan ketika proses penghantaran metabolisme.
Ianya sangat mudah. Ianya sangat asli. ~~~~
The one thing that the public
health authorities have been using as a smoke screen to get parents to have the
children vaccinated is the fact that they say there is no evidence that any
vaccine is related to autism or autistic spectrum disorders. Well, that’s
probably true. Any ONE vaccine. But that’s not what we’re talking about. We’re
talking about multiple vaccine used together, used often as a triad, like the
MMR, for example, vaccine. And used in, what I considered to be, less than
optimal vaccination schemes.
We haven’t really reached any
conclusion in the case of children with autistic spectrum, but my guess is, it
will be related to the multiple vaccines that they received either because of
immunosuppression of these young patients who don’t have any fully developed
immune system anyway, or to contaminant in the vaccine. Now one of the papers often
cite that when commercial vaccine are checked for contaminants, one of the
contaminants that’s found quite often in commercial vaccines is mycoplasma.
I’m just gonna talk about what
mycoplasma does. I mentioned that it stimulates the release of these reactive
oxygen species that damage membrane. We know what they do now. They damage the
membrane by oxydizing the lipids and making the lipids unable to fit carefully
together. This was how the discovery of how these lipids and proteins fits
together to form a membrane. And one of the things that we found is that the
lipids are damaged, they don’t quite fit together well in the membrane. What
this does is that it leaves some gaps in the membrane and makes them
transiently leaky and then ions can slip through the membrane. And these
membranes are very carefully designed to maintain a polarity, to maintain
chemical-electrical potentials across the membrane. And if these membranes are
leaky, their chemical-electrical potentials run down and short-circuited. And
what happens is that they lose the capacity to produce energy as that is tied
to this membrane’s potential. If the mytochondria
lose their membranes’ potential, they can’t do oxidative phospholite, they
can’t make this high energy phosphate molecules that are necessary for our
energy systems.
Now you might say, why don’t they
do something about this? Well, i just happen to take a flight somewhere, and i
happen to be sitting next to a vaccine manufacturer who was really mad because
he got bumped out of first class. So he was riding at the back with the rest of
us and complaining. And i was kind of asking where he was going, and he was
going to the FDA. So we got started talking. And i started telling him of what
we have found and he started to get more and more nervous as time went on. So i
flat out asked him, that, well i know that you know about this problem and i
want to flat out ask you, why don’t you test these vaccines for mycoplasma,
because i think that’s a potential problem. And as immediate knee-jerk
responses was, What, were you trying to drive us out of business? I said, ‘What
do you mean, ride you out of business, that’s a matter of safety. And he started
hedging and making up excuses and so on and so forth. In fact, they don’t want
to test for these types of things because it is expensive to test for these
types of infection. And quite frankly i think they’re afraid of what they might
find. This is part of the whole problem of convincing authorities, convincing
people that we need to look into this more seriously.
So what kind of diseases are we
talking about? We now know that chronic infections play a very important role
in a variety of diseases. Now, in the last conference that i spoke, I talked
about neurodegenerative diseases. And you’ve heard of many of these. They used
to be very rare, things like Lou Gehrig’s or Amyothrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
Some thirty years ago these are very rare disease and now its not so uncommon.
The neurobehavioral disorders are going through the roof. Things like autistic
spectrum disorders, autism, asperger syndrome, attention deficit disorder and
so on, mainly in the young and the incidents are straight through the roof.
So chronic infections are often
misdiagnosed or not even sought, and because of this, infections often either
untreated or are inappropriately treated. Your GP (General practitioner) really
doesn’t know much about these infections. And the reason he doesn’t know about
these infections is they are really not discussed in medical school any longer.
They were 25 years ago, but they are not even taught now. And i know this
because i taught in medical school, at the University of California, University
of Texas, for over 25 years. So i know the curriculum quite well. And these are
things which are really not discussed. Now the reason we are so interested in
mycoplasma fermentans is that there is actually a patent that was issued on
this. This patent was issued to a pathologist who worked with the US army, Shyh
Ching Lo who is mycoplasma expert. He has probably published more on pathogenic
forms of mycoplasma than any other scientist in the world.
Now patients that have these
infections (viral, bacterial, fungal) benefit from treatment of the infections.
Well if the medical community does not acknowledge that these infections are
important, you are not going to get treated through the conventional medical
services. They are just not going to help you with these, so youre going to
have to help yourself.
Now many chronic illness patients
recover from their illnesses after long term treatment of the chronic
infections. These can be antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, whatever, depending
on probability of infections are, but those treatments are absolutely necessary
for many of these infections. Because if
they’re not treated, you wont recover. So last point here is if these patients
are not treated they don’t recover. So they remain perpetually in chronic
illness state and this is what we have seen in our population. We have seen
people become chronically ill for the rest of their lives. Now major
pharmaceutical companies love this. Why do they love this? Well, for the next
20, 30 years or whatever, they have people who are willing to buy their
products which for the most part of palliative is they can suppress signs and
symptoms but they don’t really go after the underlying problems.
They love that, because that
means they got customers for life. So they are going to make billions and
billions of dollars off of these chronic illnesses. So they are getting
involved in all of these chronic illnesses, they got involve all kind of drugs
and anything. But fortunately very few of them really do anything to correctly
treat the illness. They just simply mask signs and symptoms. So one of the
things that we have done is, to make a long story short, is to feed patients
with food of highly rich with lipids which are not modified, which are not
oxidized, and protect them so that they are not oxidized during ingestion,
their transport and so on. So this is what i call lipid replacement therapy. I
have written a whole review of this whole process and using this during, for
example, cancer therapy which is our most recent study, to help cancer patients
which have this problem during therapy because their membranes are damaged by
the therapy often. To help chronically ill patients, general autistic spectrum
disorder patients, degenerative disorder patients, auto immune patients, all these
patients benefit as it turns out from this type of lipid replacement therapy.
And the reason is because all these patients have damaged lipid membranes. all
these patients. What does it amount to? It amounts to taking some capsulated
lipids and antioxidants every day. Very simple. Essentially, its a food. Why?
Because the lipids we get from natural sources. We just protect them so they
are not oxidized during their metabolism transport. And so its a very simple
thing to do. It’s very natural. ~~~~
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